There are probably countless school days you’d have liked to skip—you know, double math, a crush-gone-wrong, forgotten homework... But can you imagine never having the chance to learn, period? Sadly, 16 million girls will never set foot in a classroom and 31 million girls are still out of school around the world 😲.

While we adore creating divine scents (OMG yes!), we created DefineMe Fragrances with a strong pull in our hearts, and a mission up front that has creating mold-crushing, barrier-breaking women at its core. It’s the reason we create scents with empowering affirmations and smells that can scientifically alter your mood. And it’s also why we found a social initiative to match our mission:

We created the DefineMe Dollar program where for every bottle of DefineMe Fragrance you purchase, $1 goes to She’s The First.

Ahh, OK—What’s “She’s The First”?

Michelle Obama speaking at the Girls' Alliance seated next to She's The First Scholar Ellie Kaaya to her left.

STF Scholar Ellie Kaaya (left) seated next to Mrs. Obama. 

Well, it’s a “non-charity” kinda charity, and a no-brainer choice to throw our support behind. It’s even been picked by Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, as one of four featured organizations to become part of her Global Girls Alliance (whoa!).

No “helpless” recipients in sight, no wasted dollars into administrative costs, just 100% of funds going towards: “Fighting gender inequality through education, by supporting girls who will be the first in their families to graduate from high school and training students everywhere to be global citizens.”

Yeah, “just” that.

Imagine being the first girl in your family to attend school?! These girls will have a shot to be the first in their families to graduate from high school, to attend college, get an internship, start their own business, and lead their community. Game-changing for them, their families, and no-joke game-changing for the world. Because the reality is: no school, no voice. And no voice, no opportunities. But with initiatives like this:

  1. A girl with an education becomes unstoppable.
  2. We can create first-generation graduates that make ripples around the world.
  3. Fight gender inequality.
  4. Create next-generation global leaders (desperately needed!)
  5. Education = empowerment.

Yep. Cycle of disempowerment broken (yaas!).

So, Next Time You Spray…

Many of us take an education for granted, but for millions of girls, a quality education means they can break the vicious cycle, and shape the world according to their aspirations. They can make informed choices, improving the lives of their families and communities, and promoting the health and welfare of the next generation (ummm, ok!).

DefineMe Fragrance represents the kinds of aspirations and innate qualities that have no borders. Being confident, creative, strong, free-spirited, loving, passionate + fearless—we all deserve to feel empowered and worthy! In our eyes (and hearts) this partnership is a total win:win, and now you can feel doubly good not only in your own newfound confidence but in knowing your helping deliver confidence to other girls all over the world (!).

So it won’t just be you who enjoys our fragrances—every time you spray, know that you’re part of a movement that contributes toward a vital part in this ecosystem of creating a better world (ladies, spray away!).


Jennifer Newton