Hey, it’s Sofia Isabel…
Scrolling through my Instagram feed is fun, but have you ever had that uneasy, sinking feeling that tugs at your insides, and leaves you feeling less-than? Like your life pales in comparison to all the beautiful people, their beautiful lives, perfect homes, stunning food, and shiny hair? Ugh, yes—me too! Gorgeous aesthetics are nice, but how about a daily dose of awe-inspiring, relatable, grounded, empowering Instagram accounts driven by fierce, mold-breaking women instead? One word boss babes: Follow!
I truly believe that if you surround yourself with other boundary-breaking women who know they’re more than enough, then you can start to embody that same kind of boldness. That’s why I’m sharing some of my favorite empowering females on Instagram right.now and why I love what these fierce women stand for and how they make my life more than enough (and some!).
Recipes for Self Love
Simple, to-the-point and poignant, @recipesforselflove is the creation of Amsterdam-based artist Alison Rachel. Aesthetically pleasing (OMG yes!), but this feed is so much more—it has a depth that is all about feminism, self-care, boundaries, beauty, individuality, and self-expression. All shared through to-die-for, empowering illustrations of and for boundary-breaking women (reminding me of my girl, Payton who epitomizes boldness, strength, and passion).
Girl Boss
Girl Boss is your go-to Instagram feed for helping elevate and remind women that you are a powerhouse and an influence to be reckoned with (this is oh-so you, Harper)! So, when you need a little reminder of how fabulous you are, or an uplifting, no-messing-about call to action, a bit of perspective, or a little twist of humor, the Girl Boss feed is your jam!
Haley Weaver
Too cute not to love, Haley Weaver is hilarious, unabashedly truthful, and shares laugh-out-loud insights into how your mind works. Her work is an artistic canvas (and we think her and Delphine would be BFFs!) that proves feminism and self-love doesn't have to be a loud, in-your-face affair. Her simple, light-hearted drawings have struck a chord in the hearts of many (including us!). Prepare to be addicted in the best way possible and get your daily reminder that you can face anything and that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.
Cleo Wade
Dubbed the’ Millenial Oprah”—Cleo Wade is beyond legit. A poet and an artist, she’s all about love, love, and more love (yeah, you should probably read her feed while soaking up some Audry #justsayin). She’s ultra chic, ultra cool, and ultra relatable. The poetry on her Instagram page is thought-provoking and written through the lens of love, the lens that she sees you, and that the world needs you. Her feed is a total must!
Mari Andrew
Based in New York City, Mari Andrew is a writer and illustrator who talks about the ups and downs of life (ugh, so many!) with such gratitude, elegance, and poise we can’t help but fall in love with her (just like you, Clara!). She perfectly captures the complexities of the path from girl to woman, shows us that there’s nothing wrong with walking your own path, and gives a gentle nudge to keep on uncovering who you are along the way. Follow Mari for a daily heart squeeze!
Rupi Kaur
She’s fierce, she’s a powerhouse, and she’s totally not sorry. Follow Rupi for those free-spirit, full-of-confidence vibes about things that matter: self-love, growth, and self-pride. Her work is highly revered as a well-known poet and author and when she takes a stand on something the world had better listen up! She reminds me of Sofia Isabel's free-spiritedness and we adore her simple, impactful feed that we think will strike deep into your heart too.
Power on, ladies :)
Sofia Isabel xo