Christina from Adidcted to Lovely wearing jacket and jeans and standing in front of white background.@addicted_to_lovely

Another week, another shining star! 🌟 I am ecstatic to feature Christina this week! She has an amazing blog, Addicted to Lovely, and Podcast, Actually Adultish, that will blow your mind! 

I am so happy to have discovered Christina's blog. She covers anything and everything! From beauty, fashion, health, recipes and lifestyle. What really stood out to me and makes her blog truly unique is that she speaks on issues and topics that are relevant to women in their 20's and she keeps it real!

Women in their 20's are definitely in a transitional and tough stage in life. I love, love, love that Christina has provided a place where young women can feel like they are not dealing with these issues alone.Β 

Get πŸ‘ it πŸ‘ Girl πŸ‘

Enjoy getting to know Christina! She is truly inspirational ❀️


What inspired you to start your blog and your podcast?Β 

As a sophomore in college, I was extremely unhappy at school, and I wanted to feel like I had a purpose. I had wanted to start a YouTube channel or blog for a long time, but I was always afraid or felt like I didn't have time. I finally realized I had nothing to lose, so I started Addicted to Lovely. Quickly after, I began to battle a number of serious health issues, from gut issues to orthorexia, and I started to learn more and more about health, nutrition, the medical system, and wellness. I acquired a lot of knowledge and realized how many misconceptions there are in the wellness community, and I wanted to share my experiences and information with the people around me. I didn't want other people to have to go through what I went through. I also turned to blogging as a form of therapy. As I started to share my story, people reached out to me and let me know they had similar experiences. This made me feel so much less alone, and it also made me realize how important it was to share what I went through so that othersΒ didn't feel alone, like I did. I just wanted to create a community that was all about being real and talking about things people don't usually talk about.Β 


I started listening to podcasts shortly after, mostly to learn more about nutrition. I then dabbled in lifestyle podcasts, and I realized that there were no podcasts targeted toward people my age. I was listening to advice for 30 year olds, and that just doesn't apply to me yet. I wanted there to be a podcast about everything relevant to me - health, wellness, friendships, dating, pop culture, food, fitness, and everything in between - but it didn't exist. There is so much going on for those of us in our young 20s, and I think it's a really interesting time to talk about. We're at a liminal stage in our lives, and we go through a lot of change.Β There were so many nights when my friends and I would have hilarious conversations, or deep, emotional ones, and I thought, "I wish someone had recorded that. We aren't the only ones who feel this way." One day I thought, why not start my own? So I asked my friends if they would co-host with me, and we finally launched Actually Adultish!Β 


What is the one thing you would love your audience to take away from your blog and from listening to your podcast?

The #1 thing that I want my audience to take away from both the blog and the podcast is that they are neverΒ alone in how they're feeling. I spent too much of my life feeling nervous, insecure, scared, and confused, and I'm not the only one. The podcast and the blog are all about being 100% open, honest, and real. The good, the bad, the ugly. And talking about things that other people consider to be taboo, or just things they're too uncomfortable to face. I just want people to feel less alone, and I want them to know that they are not the only ones struggling.


What is one goal your working to accomplish right now?

Right now, I'm really just trying to graduate from college! Ha! After I graduate, my goal is to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner so that I can help people heal their health problems and feel the best they can. I want people to finally take control of their health and heal through food, the way I did.



I also would love to continue to build both the Addicted to Lovely community and the Actually Adultish community as organically as possible. I have met so many incredible people and have heard so many inspiring stories because of both the blog and the podcast, and it truly honors me every time someone reaches out and gives positive feedback or says I helped them get through something. I just want to continue to do that.


Who is your role model?

Honestly, I don't believe in role models. My role model isn't a specific person, but just the best version of myself that I can imagine. I strive to be her every single day - someone who is intelligent, compassionate, strong, funny, kind, witty, unique, honest, and wise. Someone who actually makes a difference in this world.

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?


I would definitely be a cat. I love cats. They have the best lives. All they do is walk around, lay in the sun, eat, and sleep. Sounds pretty fab to me. They can also fit into really small crevices. Plus, they're super smart and sassy. I also like the idea of having 9 lives...


What was the last gift you gave someone?

I just sent my dad a present for his birthday! I'm trying to get him to improve his diet (typical me), so I sent him a huge box filled with lots of healthy goodies that he will actually use - all of Tessemae's dressings, Primal Kitchen Avocado Mayo, some healthy beef jerky, Simple Mills pizza crust mix, and a copy of Practical Paleo, which is one of my favorite books.


What was the last show you binged watched?

The O.C.! I bought the box set and became completely obsessed. I also just started the Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix - I feel like I'll finish it in about 2 days!


What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

I keep a pullup bar leaning against the wall outside of my bedroom. I woke up pretty early the other day and was walking out of my room, eyes half-closed, when I ran into the pull-up bar with my foot. I broke my toe... it turned completely black.


A penguin wearing a sombrero walks into your room, what does he say and why is he there?

He says, "HOLA!," and starts blasting some killer jams. He just wants to party. :)Β 


What’s one piece of advice you would give to young women?Β 

My one piece of advice is to stop worrying about what anybody thinks and just do what you want, even if it scares you. Your life will be ordinary unless you make extraordinary choices. Don't waste time thinking about what society, your friends, your family, or anyone else thinks you're supposed to be doing or how you're supposed to look. It doesn't matter what they think, and no one knows what's best for you other than yourself. Life is too short to be worrying about trivial issues. In the end, being happy is what matters most. Have confidence in yourself, and never doubt your abilities or your worth.Β 

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