Spring is finally here, and we can finally start adding some color back into our lives. Here are 6 spring beauty essentials that will help you get out of the darker, warmer tones of winter and into the freshness of Spring! πŸŒΈπŸ’•

Pastels, Pinks and Nudes, oh my!Β Β 

Time to bring on the rosy pink and nude tones! πŸ’„πŸ’… Β Using these Spring time colors for your lip and nail color can give you just the touch of brightness you need.Β 

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics introduced their Lip Tar Spring Collection and it has the perfect Spring time tones for anybody and everybody! The cool thing about OCC is that they are one of the few beauty lines that are Vegan and Cruelty-free! πŸ°πŸ’• Β (@occmakeup)

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics lipsticks selection and woman's lips with pink lipstick. Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Photo Credit: (@noirojos, @trendmood1)

Londontown "Lakur" Nail Polishes have the best selection of pastel, pink and nude tones! Their nail polishes have so many great natural ingredients and vitamins that help your nails recover from the dry winter weather! Another great vegan and cruelty-free brand! πŸ™Œ Β (@londontownusa)

Londontown Lakur Nail Polishes displayed in a line.
Londontown Lakur Nail Polishes lying down on a soft rug with hand in foreground with painted nails in alternating colors.

Simple and Fresh AccessoriesΒ 

Winter is over but don't think the layering is over! Layered necklaces are the perfect Spring time accessory! Dogeared Jewelry has done the hard work for you and has layered necklace sets ready to go! You can choose from 5 different styles here! (@dogearedjewelry)

Woman wearing floral top with layered necklaces and hoop earrings.
No excuse needed to wear a flower crown but it is a must-have accessory for Spring! There is never a bad time to wear a crown, after all, we are all queens! πŸ‘‘
Crowns by ChristyΒ offer the prettiest faux and real flower crowns for any occasion! (@crownsbychristy)

Woman with hair up wearing pink and white flower crown in her hair while looking down.

Look Good, Smell Good! 🌸

Floral notes are perfect for spring! DefineMe Clara is a soft floral with notes of lily, lilac, violet, hibiscus and soft musk. Clara is refreshing and will make you feel amazing and like a breathe of fresh air! πŸŒΌπŸ’• Shop Clara Fragrance Mist here!Β 

DefineMe Fragrance Clara Mist on wooden boards with white and pink flowers.

Lush Cosmetics have come out with the cutest Easter/Spring collection! They have so many things to choose from to pamper yourself with. From bath bombs and scrubs to face wash and shower gels, you'll leave the shower smelling like Spring goodness! πŸŒ·πŸ’Check out their Easter/Spring Collection here! (@lushcosmetics)

Lush Cosmetics shower gel lying on pink background with bath bombs.



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